Oct 15, 2018
The living and the dead can agree on one thing: Real estate is important. First, Dr. David Sloane, author of “Is the Cemetery Dead,” walks us through the latest trends in, um, after-aftercare. Then it’s time for Career Corner, in which luxury realtor Taylor Hasselhoff helps Paula decide whether she’s got a future as a real estate agent. Also, Paula and Adam pop a couple of pills to test allergy medicine Allegra’s claim that it can help us “get back to the moment.” And the search continues for our show’s favorite no-show, survivalist Thomas Coyne.
House band:
Chuck McLane
Dr. David Sloane
Author, “Is the Cemetery Dead?”
Professor in Urban Planning and Urban History at USC
Website: DavidCSloane.com
Twitter: @dcsloane53
Taylor Hasselhoff
Luxury Real Estate Agent at Aaron Kirman Partners
Website: RealTay.com
Twitter: @tayhoff
Instagram: @tay
Facebook: @RealtayRealEstate
Chuck McLane
Instagram: @chuckmclane