Feb 25, 2019
In this episode we explore the two things that make Paula’s home challenging: Ping-pong and mold. First, table tennis champion Kim Gilbert lets us in on all the deep secrets of her craft... including basic rules. Then, Dr. Marc Meth (yes, real name!) re-educates us about the horrors of mold. Spoiler alert: Way less horrifying than you thought. Thanks, Internet! Also, will you be framed for “vomiting in your Uber?” If you live in Miami...mayhap. Mayhap.
Kim Gilbert
Professional table tennis champion
Website: kimgilbert.com
Twitter: @pingpongkimi
Instagram: @pingpongkimi
LinkedIn: @KimGilbert
Dr. Marc Meth
Board Certified Allergist, Century City Allergy
Website: centurycityallergy.com
Twitter: @laallergydoc
House band
Hayley Johnson, Guitar and Whistle
Website: thelittlemiss.com
Facebook: @thelittlemissmusic
Instagram: @thelittlemiss_
The Little Miss
SoundCloud: The Little
YouTube: @thelittlemisshayley