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Nobody Listens to Paula Poundstone

Apr 15, 2019

Paula’s dog Sirius (AKA “PodDog”) may be getting a new brother or sister sometime soon, so we have certified dog trainer Tracy James on hand to teach us how to teach a new dog old tricks, and vice versa. Then, the legendary Fred Willard stops by to help Paula with her non-legendary audition skills in our continuing series, “Outside the Actors’ Studio.” Plus, both Paula and Ray Horseman Studios have new neighbors - termites and a marijuana dispensary, respectively.

Tracy James
Head Hound, “Feet & Paws”
Certified Dog Trainer
Certified Personal Trainer
Facebook: @feetandpaws
IG: @feetandpaws
YouTube: Feet and Paws

Fred Willard
IMDB: Fred Willard

House Band:
Tyler Grinham, electric guitar
Facebook: @thelittlemissmusic
Instagram: @thelittlemiss_

Hello Fresh

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