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Nobody Listens to Paula Poundstone

Apr 29, 2019

On a very special episode of NLTPP, Paula and Adam find themselves trapped in a meat locker! Facing certain death, they reminisce about some of the best moments of their podcast, including their review of "Rocky" and learning to sing our national anthem together. Will they survive? Tune in!

Jeremy Frank

Apr 22, 2019

We’ve been exploring career options for Paula on our “Career Corner,” but could she actually landany of the jobs she might apply for? Job interview guru Joseph Ingam drops by to give Paula some pointers on how to make a lasting impression that isn't just, “Wow, she sure can talk.” Then, just in time for the...

Apr 15, 2019

Paula’s dog Sirius (AKA “PodDog”) may be getting a new brother or sister sometime soon, so we have certified dog trainer Tracy James on hand to teach us how to teach a new dog old tricks, and vice versa. Then, the legendary Fred Willard stops by to help Paula with her non-legendary audition skills in our...

Apr 8, 2019

Paula’s got a brilliant idea for a new cat litter box, but how can she make sure it doesn’t get stolen by Big Litter? Intellection property attorney Michael Cohen (no, not THAT one) is here to explain patent law. And the LA Opera’s Jeremy Frank stops by again, this time to attempt to teach Paula and Adam to sing...

Apr 1, 2019

Remember that thing you said you weren’t going to forget? Paula doesn’t. Which is why we have cognitive psychologist Dr. Alan Castel on hand to help us jog our memories. Which, it turns out, might involve actual jogging. And speaking of things that are going once... going twice... in this week’s Career Corner,...